Creative Loop

September Resources 2019

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Magic Grid
Magic Grid

A simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts.

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Discover, search, and save colour combinations you’ll love with the power of Artificial Intelligence.

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A native macOS app for selecting colours anywhere on your screen. Save palettes for later use.

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CSS Selectors Cheatsheet
CSS Selectors Cheatsheet

A super handy cheat sheet with all the different types of CSS selectors. Unlock the power of CSS!

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A javascript tool for adjusting size, leading, and grades to cast continuously responsive typography. It works over your current CSS as a progressive enhancement.

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A handy online library of SVG icons that you can modify right in the browser before you download the SVG file. Change the size, stroke, colour, and more!

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An online tool for scheduling social media posts. The free version can handle up to 3 different accounts!

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Brand, track and optimize every touchpoint of an URL that you are sharing online. Unleash the power of the link!

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A javascript plugin to create dynamic chain-able CSS animations that can bring your next web project to life!

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Animated CSS Burger components
Animated CSS Burger components

A handy resource to help you learn how to create an animated CSS burger menu, or simply just use the code they supply.

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